Membership Options: Restore Room

$80/Month to Month – Unlimited 24/7 Access

$60/Month Year Paid In Full – Unlimited 24/7 Access

The Restore Room is included for patients receiving treatment with any of our Physical Therapy packages.

Commercial Grade XL Cold Plunge
Step outside your comfort zone, take the plunge and it will change your life. The Plunge stimulates circulation, reduces inflammation, and accelerates recovery from any kind of intense exercise. It also helps you burn stubborn body fat and feel much greater, sustained energy levels throughout your day. Beyond all that, the best benefit of all is the increased quality of sleep which has a profound impact on your mental and physical health.

Low EMF Infrared Sauna
Indulge in the therapeutic warmth of our infrared sauna, promoting deep tissue relaxation, detoxification, and enhanced circulation. Using a sauna regularly is also great for cardiovascular health. We especially recommend contrast therapy, using both the cold plunge and sauna in the same hour long session.

Professional Grade Red Light Therapy
Harness the power of red light therapy to rejuvenate your skin, boost collagen production, and alleviate muscle soreness. Illuminate your body from within, promoting cellular repair and enhancing overall vitality. We have an extra large, soft and comfy training table that you’ll love to use while receiving red light therapy.

Step into recovery with our Normatec recovery boots, offering dynamic compression to enhance blood flow and reduce inflammation. These recovery boots provide a customizable, therapeutic experience for your legs and feet that’s great for recovery or relaxation.